Please read all this information carefully to execute a successful application! to your application depending on the requirements. Ruhr-Universität Bochum and all its facilities have closed their buildings since Wednesday 18 March. We also provide assistance and support to faculties and departments when organising visiting scholarships. Important deadlines. (For … Sollte weiterhin das Problem bestehen, die Online-Bewerbung nicht nutzen zu können, wenden Sie sich bitte an Congratulations, you've been accepted to study at Ruhr-Universität Bochum! ... Bewerbungsstart. You now need to carry out the following steps: Please confirm that you accept the admission offer at Info Portal Zulassung; Open the letter of admission (PDF file) and read it carefully! The Ruhr-University Bochum offers a central application portal for all German applicants in programs with restricted admission and for international applicants in bachelor and master programs. The Ruhr-University Bochum (German: Ruhr-Universität Bochum, RUB) is a public university located in the southern hills of the central Ruhr area in Bochum.It was founded in 1962 as the first new public university in Germany after World War II.Instruction began in 1965. Last Update: Oct 07, 2016 | Responsible: Contect & Tech. To qualify for admission to Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB), you must be able to prove you possess the equivalent of the German Abitur qualification, which is the examination taken at the end of your secondary education. Range of subjects Bachelor's, master's and other degree programmes Degree programmes. Application for German Course. Footer. You can find information related to admission and a database on the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) or Anabin websites. This way RUB is making an effective contribution to slow down the epidemic in Germany. Thus, the applica- Center for Religious Studies (CERES) CERES is part of the Ruhr Universität Bochum Contact CERES | Universitätsstr. Fakultät of medicine at Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB) Imprint. Die Sitzung Ihrer Online-Bewerbung ist abgelaufen. Für alle grundständigen RUB-NC-Studiengänge: In unserer Onlinebewerbung können Sie bis zu 12 Studienwünsche ineinemOnline-Formular angeben. Die Bewerbungsfrist endet am 15. Willkommen auf dem offiziellen YouTube-Kanal der Ruhr-Universität Bochum! Email:; Studienbrücke Deutschland Admission for students from Eastern Europe and Central Asia in cooperation with the Goethe-Institut and the DAAD Studienbrücke Deutschland. Application A good application always consists of at least a CV and a covering letter. International Students' Day 2020 - digital! Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB), Germany, offers the international Master programme “Lasers and Photonics”. Die Online-Bewerbung für Bachelor- und Masterstudiengänge sowie Deutschkurse für das Sommersemester 2021 ist ab sofort möglich. Foreign diploma and/or foreign university degree. The master course “Molecular and Developmental Stem Cell Biology” starts in winter term only! RUB on social networking sites. In 2020, all applications must be sent via the online portal of the Ruhr-University Bochum. Sollte weiterhin das Problem bestehen, die Online-Bewerbung nicht nutzen zu können, wenden Sie sich bitte an Service portal. 3. (2.4 MB), Last update: Service portal for employees. The instructions on the online portal will automatically guide you through the application process. Organisation chart. The entire range of subjects at Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB) is divided into BA/MA courses. In accordance with Landeshochschulgesetz (higher education act of the land), the Rector is the chairperson of the Rectorate and the supervisor of the academic staff.. Imprint. At Ruhr-Universität, all German nationals interested in studying a degree course that is subject to restrictions must submit an application via the online portal.  |, Freshers' Course for International Students, Freizügigkeitsbescheinigung (Freedom of Movement Certificate), Fiktionsbescheinigung (Temporary Residence Permit), Registration with the City and Visa/Residency Issues, Probationary Visa (Temporary Residence Permit), New webinar series for international degree seeking students, Scholarships for international students and students with a refugee background + NEW: Corona Specialgrant, English courses for international students (with and without refugee background). Januar 2021. 90a | 44789 Bochum | Germany | +49 (0)234 32 - 28639 Foreign diploma and/or foreign university degree. The deadline to apply to the next TuL-Master programme is 15 July 2020. The programme‘s highly interdisciplinary subjects in the field of optics, lasers and photonics offer a wide range of interesting topics concerning both current research and a vast range of commercial products and applications. Contact Ruhr-Universität Bochum. Information about COVID-19: How you can contact us! Administration’s organisation chart. Faculty examinations. It functions as the contact point for all things international at the university and offers advice and counselling for both foreign students studying in Bochum, and students at the university wishing to study or find an internship abroad. Fon 0234 32-29236 Our homepage provides information about all offers under the RAR umbrella: The respective support institutions for early career researchers of the three UA Ruhr universities are your central point of contact for individual questions 1-Fach-Bachelorstudiengänge / Rechtswissenschaften: Dialogorientiertes Serviceverfahren. Information about COVID-19: How you can contact us! Um sich für einen zulassungsbeschränkten 1-Fach-Bachelorstudiengang oder Rechtswissenschaft zu bewerben, registrieren Sie sich zunächst auf und bewerben sich anschließend online bei der RUB. The Strategic Units at Ruhr-Universität Bochum. 44801 Bochum. Information about doctoral studies at RUB can be found here, Ivana LazicRoom: SSC 0 / 137Karsten AltRoom: SSC 0 / 228, Admission for students from Eastern Europe and Central Asia in cooperation with the Goethe-Institut and the DAAD, Bachelor's, master's and other degree programmes, International Master Courses    |, Freshers' Course for International Students, Freizügigkeitsbescheinigung (Freedom of Movement Certificate), Fiktionsbescheinigung (Temporary Residence Permit), Registration with the City and Visa/Residency Issues, Probationary Visa (Temporary Residence Permit), New webinar series for international degree seeking students, Scholarships for international students and students with a refugee background + NEW: Corona Specialgrant, English courses for international students (with and without refugee background). International Master Courses (2.4 MB) On this website we will provide you with information about the application procedure and admission requirements. After completing the online application, you will receive a confirmation of receipt and the check sheet by e-mail. Bei Mehrfachbewerbungen zählt nur die letzte eingegangene Bewerbung, ältere werden ungültig. 2020/12/09; 15:36 Your application comprises: 1) online application (see Von dort bekommen Sie dann BID und BAN. As soon as you have completed your application and your status has changed to “Application is being processed” in the admissions information portal (Infoportal), your documents will be forwarded to the faculty. Directions (How to Get to the Ruhr-Universität Bochum) Disabled Persons, Counselling on Compensation for Disadvantages Disabled Persons, IT Support and Computer Workroom Please start the application process only from the links provided by the Ruhr-Universität Bochum. In addition to that, the International Offices advises the members of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum in all aspects related to initiating and maintaining international collaborations and partnerships and with respect to the internationalisation of teaching, research, services and operations. AN ERROR OCCURRED OR THE SESSION IS CLOSED. The role of the Rector. It will then be checked whether your studies from abroad are recognised for the desired master’s degree programme. Thank you for your interest in studying at Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB). RUHR-UNIVERSITÄT BOCHUM. 2. After collecting information about the study program, you might wonder how you may apply. However, medicine and law can only be concluded with a "Staatsexamen". Location: (IP: (Find his/her IP Address and Location) You may also need to add transcripts, references etc. Social Networking Sites. Bitte informieren Sie sich über die Studienfächer, die … Bewerbung und Einschreibung. If you cannot provide proof of sufficient German language skills you can apply for a German course. 2020/12/09; 15:36 First apply for admission to the university by 15.07 at the latest for the winter semester and by 15.01 for the summer semester. Contact. Universitätsstraße 150. (2.4 MB), Last update: Ruhr-Universität Bochum offers German courses, from level A1 to B2.After passing the B2 level, a TestDaF preparation course and the Test-DaF examination will follow. International applicants must use the online portal for degree courses that are subject to restrictions as well as for degree courses that are not subject to restrictions. Thank you for your interest in studying at Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB). Bitte starten Sie die Online-Bewerbung erneut von dem entsprechenden Link auf den Internetseiten der Ruhr-Universität Bochum. Overview. This examination is generally organised by government examination agencies which are under the authority of the responsible ministry, and it has to be passed to be able to work in these professions. Institutions. International Students' Day 2020 - digital! On the check sheet, you will find the applicant number and all the information you need to upload your documents to the admissions information portal (Infoportal). Für Studiengänge, die über das Dialogorientierte Serviceverfahren (DoSV) koordiniert werden: Bitte registrieren Sie sich zuerst bei Email:; Start online application. über ihre Seite Application and Admission If you intend to apply to study at Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB), you must first meet the following criteria: Your higher education entrance qualification must be recognised as equivalent to the German qualification for admission 2) essay (3-5 pages) showing your personal interest in the study program He represents the Ruhr-Universität Bochum, is responsible for the management of the university and its strategic orientation together with the other members of the Rectorate, and exercises domestic authority. In order to support you in this time in the best possible way we have set up an online offer for you, which consists of online consultation hours via Skype. Information about doctoral studies at RUB can be found here, Ivana LazicRoom: SSC 0 / 137Karsten AltRoom: SSC 0 / 228, Admission for students from Eastern Europe and Central Asia in cooperation with the Goethe-Institut and the DAAD, Bachelor's, master's and other degree programmes, International Master Courses   Send your letter of confirmation (Bestätigungsschreiben) together with your application documents to the RUB Admissions Office (Zulassungsstelle der RUB). Please use the link to start your application:
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