Die Berufs­welt ver­än­dert sich und Du bist bereit, denn ein Stu­di­um bei der IUBH berei­tet Dich auf die Berufs­welt vor. With the establishment of the IUBH Corporate Programmes in 2014, the rectorate was expanded to include the position of Prorector for Corporate Programmes. That is why they offer strong regional scholarships that vary in terms of cultural, social, educational or work experience background. IUBH offers part-time courses with a combination of classroom and online participation. The current name of the university goes back to the university’s original, English-language name: International University of Applied Sciences Bad Honnef - Bonn. IUBH grants the student a free trial month within the distance learning, if the student decides not to continue his/her studies within the revocation period. The university serves about 40,000 students in total. Unse­re kos­ten­lo­se Stu­di­en­be­ra­tung unter­stützt dich ger­ne dabei. Studieren, wann und wo man will - zu jeder Zeit, an jedem Ort. The university is sponsored by IUBH Internationale Hochschule GmbH, whose sole partner is Career Partner GmbH. [1] IUBH is also the only German university in the Hotel Schools of Distinction Association. IUBH Online, Erfurt. IUBH Dual Studies allow students to complete a practice-oriented dual study programme. 9 talking about this. Chat with us. The idea of bringing together IUBH graduates on an ‘Alumni Council’ came about during the online Alumni Ideas workshop in… When Ambition and IUBH Come Together, Success Happens. Berufs­le­ben, wäh­len – pas­send zu Dei­ner aktu­el­len Lebens­la­ge und. Des­halb soll­test Du unab­hän­gig vom Alter die Chan­ce ergrei­fen, um Dir neu­es Wis­sen anzu­eig­nen und Dich wei­ter­zu­bil­den. Call us +49 303 119 3771* *Monday to Friday from 8 am to 8 pm gmt +1 E-Mail. This is the official IUBH-Berlin campus- community page. Mit unse­rem vir­tu­el­len Cam­pus kannst Du ganz ein­fach dual stu­die­ren und bist dabei orts­un­ab­hän­gig. It only takes 4 minutes. IUBH Distance Learning offers over 150 certificate programmes with flexible learning models. In mid-2013, IUBH merged with the Adam Ries University of Applied Sciences, thereby adding Dual Study to its study models. Historique. IUBH University of Applied Sciences – Online: Scholarship Initiative: Save up to 80%! Offizielle Facebook-Seite der IUBH Duales Studium, die mittlerweile 21 Standorte verzeichnen kann! Stu­di­en­gän­ge anzei­gen. 5.9K likes. © 2020 IUBH Internationale Hochschule. 12. It is a member of the Global Compact networks, such as the United Nations Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME). email. Unse­re kos­ten­lo­se Stu­di­en­be­ra­tung unter­stützt dich ger­ne dabei, den per­fek­ten IUBH Stu­diengang für dich zu fin­den. This 22 years old German higher-education institution has a selective admission policy based on entrance examinations. Lebens­lan­ges Ler­nen ist nicht nur wäh­rend, son­dern auch nach dem akti­ven Berufs­le­ben über­aus wich­tig. Start quiz. In November 2011, IUBH began offering Distance Learning courses at Bachelor and Master levels. struk­tu­riert und fle­xi­bel zum Erfolg. Abiturienten. Jetzt loslegen! It offers English-language campus-based courses, dual German-language study programs as well as part-time and distance-learning courses in German and English. An der IUBH wählst Du zwi­schen dem 100% fle­xi­blen Fern­stu­di­um oder dem pass­ge­nau­en berufs­be­glei­ten­den Stu­di­um – und das sogar ohne Abitur. All programmes can be studied module-by-module: full-time or part-time, digitally (through scripts, video lectures and online tutorials) or with some classroom hours. IUBH has a study platform called Care and an email which is provided by the university ending . The university maintains an operating presence at the following locations: Augsburg, Bad Honnef, Bad Reichenhall, Berlin, Bielefeld, Brunswick, Bremen, Dortmund, Dresden, Duisburg, Düsseldorf, Erfurt, Essen, Frankfurt am Main, Freiburg, Hamburg, Hannover, Karlsruhe, Cologne, Leipzig, Lübeck, Mannheim, Nuremberg, Munich, Münster, Peine, Stuttgart and Ulm. Die IUBH bie­tet fle­xi­bel anpass­ba­re Mög­lich­kei­ten: Du kannst zu 100% online im Fern­stu­di­um stu­die­ren oder lie­ber ab und an vor Ort am Cam­pus vor­bei­schau­en. 87 personnes étaient ici. Students may sit exams in one of more than 40 exam centres in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, at one of more than 150 international exam centers worldwide, or online. IUBH is a member of Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them. Die IUBH bie­tet fle­xi­bel anpass­ba­re Mög­lich­kei­ten: Du kannst zu 100% online im Fern­stu­di­um stu­die­ren oder lie­ber ab und an vor Ort am Cam­pus vor­bei­schau­en. Please sign in to access your account. HYPERPLANNING %s - %s - %s - gestion de planning et de salles pour l'enseignement supérieur et la formation. IUBH Fernstudium | 58 abonnés sur LinkedIn | IUBH Fernstudium is a higher education company based out of Magdeburg, Germany. IUBH University of Applied Sciences combine des programmes de licence et de master sur le campus avec des modèles d'apprentissage à distance en ligne. We have established campuses for students who want to complete their studies on site but also offer our full programmes online for distance learning. Dein Bache­lor-Stu­di­um ist absol­viert und/oder der ers­ten Job ange­tre­ten? IUBH University of Applied Sciences is one of the best and the biggest state-accredited private universities in Germany. [1] In 2008, IUBH opened a second location in Bad Reichenhall. Berufs­le­ben kannst Du an der IUBH zwi­schen drei ver­schie­de­nen Stu­di­en­for­ma­ten wäh­len – pas­send zu Dei­ner aktu­el­len Lebens­la­ge und ganz nach Deinen indi­vi­du­el­len Anfor­de­run­gen. Expand your Outlook. See the uniRank degree levels and areas of study matrix below for further details. The Mise en Place Cup (EMCup for short) took place from… Read more. IUBH University of Applied Sciences provides quality programmes for Bachelor, Master, and MBA degrees with a whole new approach. Als nächs­ter Schritt folgt ein Mas­ter, um Dich beruf­lich zu ent­wi­ckeln und für eine Füh­rungs­po­si­ti­on zu qua­li­fi­zie­ren. IUBH has no influence over the scope of data that Google collects via this transfer. [3] In March 2016, IUBH merged with the University of International Economics & Logistics (HIWL) and since then has been offering the Dual Study model in Bremen under the name IUBH. *Erreich­bar Mon­tag — Frei­tag von 8 bis 20 Uhr, Mehr Verantwortung in den Jobs der Zukunft, opti­ma­le Ver­ein­bar­keit zwi­schen Stu­di­um und Pri­vat- bzw. 87 personnes étaient ici. IUBH Scholarship support during these difficult times. Start quiz. Das IUBH Fernstudium bietet Dir: Bachelor, Master und MBA Abschlüsse Flexible Online Klausuren Starke Praxisbezüge uvm. Through the system you register as well for the exams. IUBH offers bachelor's and master's degree programmes on-campus and online study that have a strong international and career development focus since it was founded in 1998. In 2019, the headquarters of the university was relocated to Erfurt. So kannst Du Dich immer 100% auf Dein aktu­el­les Stu­di­en­fach kon­zen­trie­ren. Study centres for Distance Learning are available worldwide. All current courses are state-accredited (or currently in the accreditation process), bear the seal of the German Accreditation Council, are certified and have received various awards, e.g. Du stehst bereits voll im Berufs­le­ben, suchst aber nach neu­en Her­aus­for­de­run­gen oder willst Dich inhalt­lich neu aus­rich­ten? Prak­ti­ka, Pro­fes­so­ren aus der Wirt­schaft, Exkur­sio­nen zu renom­mier­ten Unter­neh­mens­part­nern, bes­te Karriere­chancen dank hoch­ka­rä­ti­gem Unter­neh­mens­netz­werk & indi­vi­du­el­len Care­er Ser­vices. Education Matching for Students by. The admission rate … Ein­stei­gen kannst Du jeder­zeit, sogar ohne Abitur und ohne NC – je nach­dem für wel­che Stu­di­en­form, wel­ches Zeit­mo­dell oder wel­chen Stu­di­en­gang Du Dich ent­schei­dest. Fibaa Outillage vous proposes une très large gamme de produits, sélectionnés pour leur technicité et leur compétitivité : Outils Coupants/Sciage, EPI, Outillage à Mains, Électroportatif, Métrologie, Abrasif, Hyginène, Aérosol, Visserie Elle propose des programmes menant à un diplôme en anglais, des programmes à double diplôme en allemand, ainsi que des cours extra-professionnels et des cours en ligne en allemand et en anglais. Mit einem Stu­di­um an der IUBH erwar­ten Dich bis zu 20% mehr Gehalt in dei­nem spä­te­ren Berufs­le­ben. Egal ob mit oder ohne Abitur, mit Stu­di­en­ab­schluss oder Berufs­aus­bil­dung – an der IUBH ste­hen Dir alle Mög­lich­kei­ten für ein pass­ge­nau­es Stu­di­um offen. IUBH Merchandise Online Shop | „IUBH – We Are Family“ unter diesem Motto steht der Merchandise im IUBH Online Shop. Ranks 3rd among universities in Erfurt with an acceptance rate of 75%. The most recent development in our story: Eligible students can combine both online and on-campus studies and … If you are logged in as a member of Google, Google will assign this information to your personal Google user account. Offizielle Facebook-Seite der IUBH Fernstudium. The Distance Learning model includes German and English-language Bachelor, Master and MBA distance-learning courses with specialisations for various industries and areas of responsibility. Studieren, wann und wo man will - zu jeder Zeit, an jedem Ort. Ob im Fern­stu­di­um, dua­len Stu­di­um oder berufs­be­glei­tend – Du ent­schei­dest! Bei uns stu­dierst Du stress­frei und struk­tu­riert ein Fach nach dem ande­ren. By regularly alternating between theory and practice, students can simultaneously undertake academic studies and gain professional experience in their partner company. Current; General; Hospitality, Tourism & Event; International; IUBH Campus Studies; A HR Specialist Helping Build a Better World. Scholarship support from IUBH during these difficult times.If you have been affected by Covid-19 in any way, please contact us. We use cookies (and other similar technologies) to collect data to improve your experience on our site. If the student continues his/her studies and does not use his/her right of revocation, this month is taken into account for the regular study duration and charges apply. The Dual Study model includes dual Bachelor and Master programmes in the fields of tourism, health and social affairs, transport and logistics, IT and technology, business and management, media and communication, and human resources. La plupart de nos programmes sont disponibles entièrement numériquement ou sur place à Berlin ou à Bad Honnef, près de Cologne. IUBH University of Applied Sciences is in the top 28% of universities in the world, ranking 238th in Germany and 4672nd globally. IUBH University of Applied Sciences (“IUBH Internationale Hochschule”) is a private, state-accredited university of applied sciences in Germany. IUBH was founded in Bad Honnef in 1998; lectures began in 2000. 7. On December 10, 2015, the parent company of IUBH, Career Partner GmbH, was taken over by the Apollo Group; since November 2017 Career Partner GmbH has been owned by the British private equity investor group Oakley. Call us +49 303 119 3771* *Monday to Friday from 8 am to 8 pm gmt +1 E-Mail. All of the study materials are on the platform and the email is very important for the study process as well as you receive all of the info and so on on it. Hospitality, Tourism & Event; COVID-19 – A Temporary Respite for Nature, or an... 26. Als Schul­ab­gän­ger hast Du so oder so die Qual der Wahl: Denn ent­we­der Du beginnst eine klas­si­sche Berufs­aus­bil­dung oder Du ent­schei­dest Dich für einen der zahl­rei­chen Stu­di­en­gän­ge an der IUBH. In July 2009, the Science Council institutionally reaccredited the university for a period of ten years.[2]. Für die opti­ma­le Ver­ein­bar­keit zwi­schen Stu­di­um und Pri­vat- bzw. Education Matching for Students by. Courses are offereed in healthcare, human resources, industry and logistics, marketing, real estate, tax and auditing and tourism. If you have been affected by Covid-19, contact us. Pas­send zu Lebens­ab­schnitt und ‑situa­ti­on bie­tet Dir die IUBH Inter­na­tio­na­le Hoch­schu­le das deutsch­land­weit größ­te Ange­bot an Stu­di­en­pro­gram­men. Online MBA. Chat with us. The Campus Studies model at both the Bad Honnef and Berlin campuses features Bachelor, Master and MBA programmes in the areas of hospitality, event management, healthcare, transport and logistics, IT and engineering, business and management, and human resources. IUBH ShopLogin CARE CommunityWebmailer Sprache: English Deutsch Apply now Request brochure Apply now Request brochure Home Bachelor Study programmes International ManagementAviation ManagementComputer ScienceHospitality Management Preparatory Programmes Bachelor Preparatory Programmes More information Admission Admission More information Career Development Services … We use cookies (and other similar technologies) to collect data to improve your experience on our site. The university was founded in 1998 and is composed of four independent departments/study models: IUBH Campus Studies, with a focus on international management programmes; IUBH Distance Learning; IUBH Part-Time; and IUBH Dual Study. auf Dich ange­pass­te Stu­di­en­pro­gram­me zur Aus­wahl, Unter­neh­men bil­den als Praxis­partner mit uns aus. einen indi­vi­du­el­len Anfor­de­run­gen. the FIBAA Premium Seal. Wen­de das Erlern­te immer direkt prak­tisch an und wei­se nach erfolg­rei­chem Abschluss bereits mehr als drei Jah­re Berufs­er­fah­rung vor. Take the 4-minute quiz to see if this English-speaking MBA with accredited German University of Applied Sciences (IUBH) is right for you! IUBH Student advisory. IUBH University of Applied Sciences offers more than 150 Bachelor, Master and MBA study programmes in the following areas: International University of Applied Sciences Bad Honnef - Bonn, "Acquisition of Career Partner Group – Company Announcement -", IUBH University of Applied Sciences - Campus Studies, IUBH University of Applied Sciences - Distance Learning, IUBH University of Applied Sciences - Dual Study, IUBH University of Applied Sciences - Part-Time,, Universities and colleges in North Rhine-Westphalia, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 2 November 2020, at 08:44. IUBH Online. Per­fekt, um Dei­nen Job­ein­stieg zu meis­tern: Regel­mä­ßi­ger Wech­sel zwi­schen Theo­rie am Cam­pus und Pra­xis im Unter­neh­men. A Microsoft 365 subscription offers an ad-free interface, custom domains, enhanced security options, the full desktop version of Office, and 1 TB of cloud storage. It offers English-language campus-based courses, dual German-language study programs as well as part-time and distance-learning courses in German and English. Interact, discover and signup with other IUBHer's, places and events which make IUBH Berlin tick. 31. IUBH Merchandise Online Shop | „IUBH – We Are Family“ unter diesem Motto steht der Merchandise im IUBH Online Shop. IUBH Online - Consultez le catalogue de formations du centre IUBH Online et contactez directement un conseiller. May 2020 “I Benefitted Doubly from the International Ethos of... 23. In July 2007, the university was taken over by the private equity firm Auctus (Munich). IUBH Online wants to make it possible for anyone to take their chance in life. 177 personnes étaient ici. We've developed a suite of premium Outlook features for people with advanced email and calendar needs. L'IUBH est le fournisseur le plus innovant et le plus qualitativement leader d'études et de formation continue orientées vers la carrière pour les étudiants et les entreprises en Europe. Apply now Apply now Apply now Bachelor degree programmes Master Programmes MBA Programmes MBAMBA in Big Data ManagementMBA in […] Offizielle Facebook-Seite der IUBH Fernstudium. Discover whether this online, English-speaking Bachelor at IUBH University of Applied Sciences (Germany’s largest private university) is right for you! When you use the plug-in functions (e.g. lock visibility IUBH Campus Studies offers English-language lecture-based study programmes with an international focus. In der Berufs­welt durch­star­ten ohne Kom­pro­mis­se – kein Pro­blem mit einem abge­schlos­se­nen Stu­di­um bei uns. IUBH University of Applied Sciences (“IUBH Internationale Hochschule”) is a private, state-accredited university of applied sciences in Germany. Per­fekt, um maxi­mal fle­xi­bel Dei­nen Abschluss zu machen: 100% Online­stu­di­um – ganz ohne Prä­senz­pflicht und wahl­wei­se in Voll- oder Teil­zeit. All rights reserved. Your contact. IUBH Duales Studium (IUBH) offers courses and programs leading to officially recognized higher education degrees such as bachelor degrees in several areas of study. L'Université internationale IUBH est une université des sciences appliquées reconnue par l'État. You want to start an international career in Europe and search for a flexible, affordable way to reach this goal? Lege Prü­fun­gen auf Wunsch online oder vor Ort ab, damit du von maxi­ma­ler Frei­heit pro­fi­tierst. IUBH Hospitality students competed in the 12th annual Mise en Place Cup – a championship of the top Hospitality Management schools in Europe. Is this online MBA right for you? Inhal­te Dei­ner beruf­li­chen Tätig­keit las­sen sich anrech­nen und sor­gen so für eine deut­li­che Ver­kür­zung der Stu­di­en­zeit. April 2020 Hospitality, Tourism & Event. Since then, the university has been subject to the Thuringian Higher Education Act.[4].
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