Lost in the shuffle of superpowers, murderous parents, and lies is the fact that Marvel’s Runaways is still a teen show. Indeed, Alex Wilder had been kidnapped by the Crips and the other Runaways were chasing them. Because of this, many assumed that Chase was a shallow individual with low intelligence, which was further displayed by his poor school grades. However, Dean convinced her friends to leave her behind to fight Jonah while they would get to safety. Whereas Alex is the brains behind the group of super teens, Nico is the magic wand—or staff, … While filling their intake forms, they were approached by Kaye, who claimed that he finally agreed to help them. He and Yorkes then rejoined his friends, with Minoru trying to use the Staff of One to fill the giant hole left by the machine. The Runaways have all moved on with their lives in different ways. When they finally admitted their attraction to each other, Chase was willing to go into a deeper relationship but was surprised that Yorkes considered what they had done a one-night stand. This prompted the Runaways to further discuss PRIDE's activities, and Chase suggested that their parents might have had a good reason for their actions, although he could not come up with a reasonable explanation as to why they were murdering teenagers. By the end of Marvel’s Runaways Season 2, most of the runaways are apart, either voluntarily (Chase) or against their will. He teamed up with his friends and formed the Runaways. Stein and Gert Yorkes trying to switch off the Nemo Industrial Drilling Machine. Male One day, Victor promised Chase that he would make it to the city championship to see him play, but failed to do so. Chase and Janet then discussed about what Janet had told the audience and Chase worried that his father could actually die. Moreover, Stein grew more and more dubious about the fact that the Runaways' struggle was well-grounded and, upon learning that his father was dying again, he elected to come back home. American Lord Of Lies Much to the Runaways' joy, they found Old Lace alive and well. He tried to be as supportive as he could towards Gert Yorkes, his new girlfriend who suffered from not taking her anti-anxiety meds, and was extremely upset when she went to a hospital and when he discovered that she had applied for college studies, both times without telling him, and their relationship became more strained. Upon reuniting with his childhood friends, they discovered that their parents used PRIDE to cover up ceremonial sacrifices of the Church of Gibborim. abroad the Peak. He then received a message from Alex telling the Runaways to meet in the next morning. Karolina discovers Frank is holding Leslie at a detention facility and tries to rescue her mom with Nico, Molly, and Vaughn. They remained silent and joined the rest of the Runaways to drive to the PRIDE Construction Site. Thus, Chase and Yorkes slipped out of the party to go into another room and began slowly dancing. Unable to remain alone doing nothing in his bedroom, Chase went downstairs and confronted Frank Dean, who had also come to the mansion and tried to keep Chase from going down into the lab where PRIDE was still trying to save Victor, who was actually clinically dead. [10] The Runaways were unaware that Doc Justice thrived off sensationalizing his super hero life to the point that throughout the fifty years of his career he routinely orchestrated the death of his young protégés to raise his own profile. Much to the contrary however, Chase has exceptional talent with engineering in a similar fashion to his successful father, Victor Stein. As if teenagers didn't have enough to deal with already. Chase showed the Fistigons, which had been quite damaged by the confrontation against Darius Davis, to his father Victor, who complimented his son for having created functional gauntlets. Virginia Gardner as Karolina Dean Ariela Barer as Gertrude Yorkes Gregg Sulkin as Chase Stein Allegra Acosta as Molly Hayes Hernandez Clarissa Thibeaux as Xavin Ships Het Alivvie — the ship between Alex Wilder and Livvie Chasolina — the ship between Chase Stein and Karolina Dean Gertchase — the ship between Gertrude Yorkes and Chase Stein In return, Chase informed them about Karolina's new ability and the affair between Janet and Robert. He and his mother went to get a drink to recover from their emotions and discussed what had happened, with Chase insisting that it was the brain tumor which had caused the whole event. Upon seeing Eiffel and Brandon together, Chase told Yorkes that he did not regret how things had turned out, stating that his previous life was a fallacy. Although they initially disagreed, Chase and the other Runaways accepted to leave and fled from the fight, which unleashed massive amounts of energy. [13] Despite growing up with two famous parents, Karolina was untouched by Hollywood scandal and developed a compassionate nature and strong moral compass.[13][8]. Chase returned to the Stein Mansion, where his father awaited him to work of an old invention of his own: a time machine designed to show images of different times. However, before she could actually reply, Chase changed his mind and declared that he should not have involved her before hanging up the phone. [31] After that, Karolina dropped out of college and started dabbling in super-heroics,[32] gaining some traction online and becoming dubbed "Sparkles" by social media. He found them as they were facing Darius Davis and arrived in time to fire at him with the Fistigons which knocked Davis several meters away. Although Chase was ready to leave, Dean urged her former friends to discuss about their relationship. Upon witnessing PRIDE's activities and reconnecting with his childhood friends, Chase realized that the life he had tried to live until then was not what he wanted in the end, as he grew disgusted by his friends Brandon and Lucas, who had tried to rape Karolina Dean. Chase threatened to hit Frank if he did not let him through, but before he could do so, Karolina, who had sneaked into the house, told Chase to go back into his bedroom where Gert awaited him. Despite this achievement, which was awkwardly concluded when Chase high-fived Nico Minoru only to be thrown away because of his own Fistigons who fired once again. Once Jonah was gone, Stein and the others reached the hall of the building and managed to get into a van stolen by Alex Wilder, thus enabling the Runaways to escape. Taking advantage of Alex's distraction as he discovered the dinosaur in Gert's car, Chase seized his laptop and violently smashed it, thus destroying the only hard drive on which the Runaways had evidence of PRIDE's crimes. Leslie Dean (mother, deceased);Xavin (betrothed), Karolina Dean was raised by her parents Frank and Leslie Dean,[13] two actors from TV's General Hospital,[14] in Hollywood, California. However, before Chase was hit - and potentially killed, Victor was shot by Janet to save her son. Karolina and Xavin prepared for their wedding,[16] but unfortunately during the ceremony a Skrullos guest insulted a Majesdanian bridesmaid's dresses leading to more fighting. While trying to assist his father, Chase accidentally dropped some equipment on the floor, he expressed fear that his father would berate him. Add interesting content and earn coins. Infiltration into the PRIDE Construction Site. He saw Yorkes and joined her. Chase and Yorkes found the control panel, and while Chase tried to find a way to stop the drill, he was surprised that Yorkes apparently resented him for what had happened between them earlier, and that she considered it a simple one-night stand. Chase then remained alone in the house as Janet left to welcome Dale and Stacey, who she had also called. The accidental conception of Chase Stein is the event that led his parents and the other members of the Pride to decide to pass on their inheritance from the Gibborim to their children. They located the Dematerialization Box and used the X-Ray Specs to inspect it, figuring out that Gonzalez was no longer in it. As a result, Stein was welcomed into PRIDE on the promise that he and his friends could take the reins of the organization, but he failed to convince his former teammates to follow his path and could not avert another direct confrontation between PRIDE and the Runaways. The Runaways frantically search for their captured friends Chase, Gert and Karolina. This lead to a mutual understanding and their differences were peacefully resolved. Stein witnesses the sacrifice of Destiny Gonzalez, Chase and the others went to the office, where Chase apologized to Yorkes for having let her down. [5] During this time, Julie broke up with Karolina since she felt she was inattentive. Directed by Stephen Surjik. Actors/Actresses He noticed Karolina Dean in the crown and tried to reach her, but he temporarily lost sight of her and only saw her again as she was being dragged unconscious by Brandon and Lucas. Nico draws them all into a dark realm where its ruler Morgan le Fay, is much more nefarious than anyone the kids have yet to face. Therefore, Chase reclaimed his whole new Fistigons and drove to catch up with his teammates. [2] Once the wedding and talks of peace failed, a Skrull Battleship launched to thermonutron missiles at Majesdane destroying it. In retaliation, Chase fired at PRIDE with the Fistigons, only for the energy beam to be stopped by Tina Minoru's Staff of One which she had reclaimed from Nico. Please try again later. Chase went to the Timely Coffee where he discussed the new Runaways' plan: infiltrating into Wizard Headquarters during a gala to retrieve the video file showing PRIDE perpetrating sacrifices. The Runaways premiere takes a serious turn when Karolina is almost raped at a party. Marvel Database is a FANDOM Comics Community. She gave her medical alert bracelet to Nico as a gift and remained in contact with her friends via voice transmissions. As Wilder wanted to give a coaster to Chase, he accidentally opened a secret passageway hidden behind bookshelves. Citizenship Karolina enrolled in Pomona College to live an ordinary and happy civilian life. [2], Stein meets the other Runaways at the beach. Thus, Stein joined the other teenagers in a Twister game, pretending to Geoffrey and Catherine Wilder that everything was fine. Chase senses something is wrong when she sees her dragged away by his lacrosse teammates. Alias(es) As they refused and insulted Dean, Stein assaulted them one more time, but the brawl was ended by their coach Alphona, who took the three students in his office. Chase was then worried to see his father kneeling on the ground because of a violent headache, and Victor confessed that he was actually suffering from a brain cancer. Chase Stein (Gregg Sulkin) has, of course, been obsessed with time travel, setting up the episodes shenanigans, but Karolina Dean (Veronica Gardener) has notably moved on … Chase returned to the Stein Mansion to get ready for the party. While waiting in the line, Chase saw Dean mysteriously slipping away with a bottle of vodka. [17] To avenge Majesdane, the remaining members of the Light Brigade, Majesdane elite military force, traveled to Earth to force Karolina Dean to stand trial in place of her parents. Chase was praised by his father for his victory in a lacrosse game, but also heavily chastised for having a poor grade in a Spanish test.
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