
November 29th, 2005

Why John Siracusa is right. Currently there is a already more than 30 messages long discussion on cocoa-dev about how to implement a singleton – the most simple design pattern known – in Obj-C. Apple is missing a garbage-collected language!

Update: Also see the article “Can Apple do Better than Objective-C?” from Nitesh Dhanjani at macdevcenter.

3 Responses to “Obj-C”

  1. snarfer Says:

    What is a singleton? A stupid person?

  2. algal Says:

    Interesting. Looking through your cocoa-java faq, and noting that Apple has shut down maintenance on the java/cocoa bindings, I wonder: knowing what you know now, would you have chosen to implement cyberduck in Java?

    I should say I just installed Cyberduck (registered the tracker issue on bonjour defaults) and I am flabbergasted to learn it’s Java. This is definitely the slickest Java app I’ve seen.

    The wikipedia article on cocoa suggests it has good automated memory management, and will have more soon, even if it doesn’t have automated garbage collection at the moment. I’ve never worked with Cocoa, only Java, and I have to say the prospect of manual memory management scares the bejesus out of me. It sounds like just one more thing to worry about.

    What do you think?

  3. Tom Thumb Says:

    >I have to say the prospect of manual memory management scares the bejesus out of me

    Wow. You must be one helluva wimp.

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